

life with crosby

Well I haven't had a chance for many posts in the last month... and this cutie pie is a big reason why. Crosby has been keeping us very busy for the last month... actually, I can't believe it has only been a month that he has been home with us! I feel like he has been a part of our little family for much longer.

He is growing SO fast. When we brought him home on June 26th, he was around 12 pounds. By the time he had his first vet appointment just 5 days later, he weighed 14 pounds. And now, another three weeks later, he's up to 23 pounds! Looking back at these pictures from only a few weeks ago really makes me realize how fast our little pup is growing up! I won't be carrying him around for long.

Here's Crosby on his way home from us picking him up. He did great on the 3-hour ride home, except for getting car sick in the first 15 minutes.

Crosby with one of his favorite toys, the Wubba. 

He's always standing so proper, even at 9 weeks old. We've caught him pointing in the backyard a ton of times... at the obvious, birds, and also squirrels, chipmunks, and even spiders! haha

Exhausted after my first trip to the pet store! 

Meeting baby Weston...

And cousin Boss...

Playing with friend Murphy

Cuddling on the couch... his nightly bedtime routine. 

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