

weston's baptism

Last weekend was Weston's baptism. I made invitations seen at the right for the baptism (and party!) a while back. Elizabeth wanted a preppy look with navy and green, so I created this patchwork plaid for the invitation.

Weston was calm (as always) through the whole mass and baptism. He didn't cry during the baptism as babies often do because he is a little fish! He wanted to get all the way in the water, not just have it on his head!

Then came the work for the party. I made water bottle labels, food cards that matched the invitations, and two signs for for party decorations.

For the first party sign, I cut custom stencils to match the font used on the invitation to spray paint pieces of burlap with "WESTON" and a cross on each side. I then strung each letter together with navy ribbon.

The second sign was made on my fancy-schmancy new sewing machine that I got for Christmas last year. Elizabeth found the patchwork fabric at Joann, so I luckily didn't have to sew all those pieces together! I created the white border around the edges with mitered corners - my first time with this technique! I cut a J, W, and a cross out of Navy fabric and sewed those on, too. I used kelly green ribbon to string it up. Then came the problems... since the sign was made of fabric, it didn't stay stiff and square when hanging by the bow... so I used a little spray adhesive and a piece of cardboard to make the sign nice and sturdy.

We had a huge array of amazing food after the baptism, but I can't take credit for any of these. Jake, Elizabeth, and Elizabeth's mom Pat made each and every delicious morsel you'll see below.

Here's a great family picture from the church. My Grandma and Grandpa Riedy made the trip up to Indianapolis from Cincinnati for the weekend to come to Weston's baptism, too!

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