

50 posts!

The previous post was my 50th post to this blog. I've been at it since August 15, 2010. I've really enjoyed sharing my recipes, crafts, and other aspects of my life. Having the blog has gotten me back into photography, and also made me like writing more then I knew I did!

Where I've been
The 50 posts I've made so far fall within ten different categories. The graph shows how often I'm writing about each of these subjects.

When I started this blog, I thought it would mostly be about our house and crafting. I've always loved cooking, so after posting a few recipes, I began to realize I also love writing about cooking, and writing recipes. I hope you've been inspired by the recipes I've provided.

Where I'm going
I know that some of the categories in the pie chart will soon be occupying larger spaces and I also hope to add a few new pieces to my pie!

Slice o' pie that will grow:
  • Puppy: We're getting our puppy on June 26th, and I'm already obsessed, so there will surely be more dog posts to come. 
  • Food (excludes recipes): While I love cooking, sometimes I just need a night off! We have many favorite restaurants, and also love to check out new places, especially when locally-owned restaurants that use artisan, locally-grown, organic and/or fresh ingredients. 
  • House: We had our 1-year house anniversary earlier in June. I haven't kept up on blogs for all the developments with our house, but hope to add more here. We're always doing something, and that will continue (forever, so I hear). 
Coming soon to my pie: 
  • Gardening: Well, this sort of falls in the "House" category, but it really is its own topic. We've had more time this summer to do some gardening, and I can't wait to share these new developments with all of you. 
  • Other subjects that I haven't even realized I want to write about, yet!

Stats about my blog: 

While the majority of my page views come from the United States (no surprise), I've got readers in Canada, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Denmark, Singapore, Columbia, and Japan. That BLOWS MY MIND! How did this happen?

Tell me, are you reading this from another country?

After finding out that 15 percent of the visits to my blog are from mobile devices, I've set-up a mobile viewing version of my blog for easier reading on your mobile device. Here's what it looks like.

Where do you access the music note from most often?

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