

Our puppy!

We drove to northern Indiana two Sundays ago to pick out our new family member... Crosby! We got this picture from our breeder when the puppies were a few weeks old, but we weren't sure which puppy we wanted at the time.

So we decided to spend 6 hours in the car and pick out the pup for us by meeting them all in person. Even though being in the car that long is not the most fun, it was a great birthday present just to meet our puppy.

We were greeted by these six cutie-pies. Two of the puppies are girls, and we had already planned to get a boy, so the breeder got out the four boys for us to play with. After some careful consideration, and some kisses and heavy tail-wagging by one specific pup, we knew which boy was the one for us. We're bringing him home this Sunday. I can't wait!! 

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