

cabin fever

I can't wait for spring! Luckily it has been nice out the past few days, but I am still so over winter! I had to get some "life" in the house - or at least pretend to.

I love the way this looks on our table, and guess how much I spent...

$5!! I got the regularly $1.49-priced long stem gerber daisies at Michael's for $0.50 each, so that was my $5 spent. I already had the vase from a Christmas centerpiece I did. The vase wrap is made burlap with leftover ribbon off of a Christmas present woven into it. To do this, remove consecutive strands of burlap (I removed about 25 horizontal strands to accommodate the width of my ribbon), then just weave in the ribbon!

and some delicious fresh-squeezed orange juice, wow I can't wait for it to be warm out!

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