

what i'm reading...

I'm about half way through Slow Food Nation: Why Our Food Should Be Good, Clean, And Fair right now. If you know much about me, you know that James and I are both passionate about the environment and being foodies; this book plays into both of those so much. 

"Carlo Petrini's manifesto makes switching from grabbing dinner from a drive-thru to seeking out environmentally friendly foods seem not just worth the effort, but necessary." -- Atlantan

Petrini is the father of the Slow Food movement. His first-hand accounts pair with extensive research on a variety of topics, all in efforts to help us understand why our food should be good, clean, and fair. Not only does he tell us the why, but more importantly, the how. The three central principles to follow are: 

  1. Food must be sustainably produced in ways that are sensitive to the environment.
  2. Those who produce the food must be fairly treated.
  3. The food must be healthful and delicious.
I've been interested in this topic for a few years now, but this book is a great read even if you haven't read much on these topics. 

Afterall, you are what you eat; do you want to be a genetically modified organism? 

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